Former Trump adviser Jason Miller suggested that former 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is attempting to "inject" herself into the 2024 presidential race as analysts speculate that President Joe Biden will not seek a second term.

Clinton lost to former President Donald Trump in the 2016 Electoral College tally, but won the national popular vote by a margin of nearly 3 million votes. Although Biden has said he plans to seek another term in 2024, speculation has swirled that he won't run again due to his age and sagging approval rating.

Miller, during a Thursday episode of Steve Bannon's War Room podcast, suggested that Clinton was looking to position herself as potential Democratic contender to replace Biden. His remarks came after the former senator and former secretary of state read what would have been her 2016 victory speech—if she had won—in an emotional segment of a MasterClass talk on the power of resilience.

Hillary Clinton
Jason Miller has said that former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is looking to position herself as potential Democratic contender to replace Joe Biden. Above, Clinton pictured at Queens University on September 24 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

"Hillary's trying to humanize herself and inject herself into the 2024 presidential discussion. That's all it is. Let's just be brutally crass and direct about it," Jason Miller, who served as a senior adviser to Trump's 2020 campaign and a spokesperson for his 2016 campaign, said.

"The fact of the matter is that Crooked [Hillary] is circling around Joe Biden almost like a buzzard looking at the carcass on the ground, saying, 'It's not going to be Joe Biden, it's not going to be Kamala Harris. How can I go and insert myself into this national discussion and remind people that I'm still here?'" Miller, who now serves as the CEO of social media platform Gettr, said.

Miller assessed Clinton's presentation on MasterClass "is all about gaming 2024."

In her MasterClass remarks, which were first aired this week, Clinton said "I'm going to face one of my most public defeats head-on by sharing with you the speech I had hoped to deliver if I had won the 2016 election." The former Democratic presidential hopeful said she "never" previously shared the speech with "anybody."

"I've never read this out loud. But it helps to encapsulate who I am, what I believe in, and what my hopes were for the kind of country that I want for my grandchildren, and that I want for the world, that I believe in that is America at its best," Clinton said in the video.

As Miller noted, Biden's and Harris' poll numbers have declined dramatically over the past several months, as their administration has faced a number of crises. Meanwhile, speculation that Biden, 79, will not seek reelection has grown, with some suggesting Harris or another Democrat could lead the ticket in 2024.

For his part, Biden said in March that he plans to seek a second term.

"Yes, my plan is to run for re-election. That's my expectation," Biden said during a spring press conference. White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that Biden will run again last month as well.

Miller, who maintains close ties to Trump, predicted in October that Democrats would pick someone else to run in 2024. He also has repeatedly said he believes Trump will seek another term in the next presidential election.

"I think ultimately in 2024 President Trump does run again. At least that is my hope," Miller said during an October interview with Fox Business. "But I don't think it will be against Joe Biden. I think it will be a [Vice President] Kamala Harris or maybe a [California Governor] Gavin Newsom," the Trump associate predicted.

Newsweek reached out to Clinton for comment but did not immediately receive a response.